So many people showed up today for the first session of the Rustc Reading Club that we exceeded capacity in Zoom. There were so many people wanting to attend that Niko couldn’t join to lead the session. He and I made the hard decision to cancel the session and hold a Q&A about the club instead. It was great to see such interest in what we are doing with the club, but also a bit daunting. The plan now is to take a step back and figure out how we can make the code reading club work.
The good news is that we had one new organizer and one new rustc developer volunteer to help with future sessions. Until we can regroup and make a plan for conducting the club I wanted to share some important links that everyone can use to stay informed on what we are doing.
Where information will be the most up to date and reliable is the Rustc Reading Club repo on Github.
The section you should read before attending at a minimum are the FAQs.
If you have suggestions for topics or requests of the organizers, you can add an issue here.
We will take a week or two to evaluate how we will move forward and update the Rustc Reading Club site to communicate the next steps and the date of the second first session for reading and understanding rustc.